Tag Archives: artistic

Quick, Fun, Artistic Geometry Review

Here you go.  It’s a review of the fundamental vocabulary of geometry.  Basically students need to use all of them to draw a picture.  It is a simple idea and it works very well.  When I described it as “quick” in the title I was alluding to the fact that students are quick to understand what they are suppose to do, and they just go for it.  You don’t have to do much from a teacher standpoint – just get out of the way and see what their creative energies do.   It was made by my department chair – who along with everyone else in my department is an amazing, blogless (is that even a word?) teacher.  I suppose that’s where I come in.





The Goods:

Review Drawing Assignment


These are a listing of hastags that I use to catagorize my lessons plans.  Each catagory represents a different style lesson plan.  My instructional goal is typically to make sure that I use each hashtag at least once a month.  The goal of this blog is to share all the lesson plans that I use under each hashtag.

My detailed lesson plans are my Keynote slides.  But along with those, I make a quick, calendar-style overview to me a general idea of what I am doing.  It’s on this calender where I place the hashtags at the bottom of each day.  This allows me  to quickly look back at what I have been doing, and know whether of not I am differentiating.  For example, here is two weeks worth of my lesson plans in geometry.  Notice that I can quickly see whether or not I have differentiated my instruction, without having to analyze each specific lesson plan.  The hashtags allow me to get a quick sense of what I have been doing, and what I have not been doing.


*Notes –

-The term “perplexity” is being used as described by Dan Meyer here